Thursday, March 21, 2024 - 17:00

Although Lord Byron's political career lasted only sixteen months, which were marked by three impassioned speeches at the House of Commons, it was fundamental in his life. His political vision was clear, imbued with democratic values and a love of justice and freedom. When he arrived in Italy, he joined the Carboneria in Ravenna, heralding a newly free Italy, and then he participated, with considerable economic and military contributions, in the liberation of Greece from the shackles of the Ottoman rule. There, at Missolonghi, one of the strongholds of the uprisings, he gave his life for Greek independence, which he unfortunately did not get to enjoy.

Please note that this event will be in Italian.


Admission is Free but booking is required due to the limited number of spaces (write to info@keats-shelley-house.org).


Vincenzo Patanè, teacher of Art History in Venice, is the author of numerous essays on art, cinema, literature and LGBT culture. On Lord Byron he published L'estate di un ghiro. Il mito di Lord Byron (2013, second edition 2018, Premio Montale Fuori di Casa 2020), I frutti acerbi. Lord Byron, Love & Sex (2016, released in English in 2019 as The Sour Fruit. Lord Byron, Love & Sex) and Intervista impossibile & altri saggi (2022). His latest book is Icone gay nell'arte. Marinai • Angeli • Dei (2022).