Francesco Dalessandro at the Keats-Shelley House

Saturday, September 11, 2021 - 16:00

11th September at 4 p.m. - A Reading of Keats's Sonnets Translated into Italian by Francesco Dalessandro


Our autumn programme of live events at the House will commence on Saturday 11th September when we welcome celebrated Italian poet Francesco Dalessandro, who will read from his recently published collection of Keats's sonnets translated into Italian. This will be followed on Saturday 25th September with a reading by talented young poet Flavio Ferraro, who'll treat us to a selection from his recently published volume of Keats's Odes in Italian. 


Standard entrance ticket to the museum applies. Places are limited so advance booking is essential on this occasion. 



Francesco Dalessandro will be reading from his book Fammi lezione, Musa and he will be introduced by poet Annelisa Alleva

Poet and essayist Massimo Morasso will also say a few words.


Francesco Dalessandro (1948) has published several books of translations and poetry, including L'osservatorio and Lezioni di respiro. His latest published work is Figure d'ombra (Pasturana 2018, "premio Metauro" finalist). He has translated the woks of Elizabeth Barrett Browning, George Gordon Byron, Gerard Manley Hopkins, and Wallace Stevens, among others. Most recent translations: Ladro gentile, una scelta di Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa dai sonetti di William Shakespeare (Il Labirinto, Rome 2014); Chiave del sogno, poesie di Eloy Sánchez Rosillo (Contacts, Genoa 2019); the latest edition of Sull'indolenza e altre odi (Il Labirinto 2020), Fammi lezione, Musa (Contatti, Genoa 2021), sonnets and other works by John Keats, .